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how to introduce two unsexed juvenile tegus to eachother...


New Member
Make sure both are well fed and clean, and introduce in a neutral area if possible. So long as one isn't outright nasty you should be fine. How small are they? If anything you'll get a few nips, but tegu skin is thick, so so long as your supervising any unwanted behaviour will be easy enough to stop before it gets out of hand. Chances are, it won't even get that far. Its easy to tell when they're uneasy or being agressive before anything even happens. Watch for huffing, pushups, and sort of display really, and mounting.


New Member
They're columbians. Almost identical in size. One is being worked with ( who bit me for the first time today... mostly because he hates my husband. My husband shoo'd him towards me to grab, and as soon as he took his eyes off my husband he saw my hand and flew at me. When he realized it was me his labored breathing stopped and he was instantly loose, no sign of tension. Minor set back... because he needs to love hubby too)

The other is apparently a hell beast that needs quite a bit of work.

Their enclosure is plenty large enough for both. No designated hides, but I MAY need a second basking spot depending on their behavior toward one another.
Both are the size of the one in my avatar. ( my hands are average size for comparison.)

He's on a 12x12 tile


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5 Year Member
I introduced Guru and Rango first. I gave Rango a week or two to settle in and get used to some changes he had. I cleaned the bath tub really well and cleaned the floor mat thing and introduced them in the bathroom. It seemed to be the most neutral place.
I've read that generally its easier for males to get along than females, I don't have a female so I wouldn't know.

It went really well, they smelled each other a lot and finally rango climbed on top of gurus back (who was 2x his size) and hung out there for a bit. Signs I'd look for would be jowl popping, not always aggressive but it can lead to mounting. Huffing can be a stress signal. You'll be able to tell, I know thats not helpful but its true lol.


New Member
I put tank, my dead Argentine in with Dozer, a columbian, they did good together. Today, seahawkchick put the new baby in with Dozer. Dozer loves him. Dozer was trying to get the new guy to come out of the hide all day. He would go in and come out till the baby came out. But Dozer is a amazing columbian.

Just let em meet and keep an eye on them. Any sign of anger, seperate them.

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