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How to Move Our Tegu


So we're moving in about a week, and we've hit one lovely little bump. How to move the tegu. Obviously we can't stick her in the moving van, but her tank is too big to fit in the back of the car. We do have a small carrying case we use to put her in while we're getting her food really, it's just a plastic reptile carrier. But the problem is, the drive is a 6 hour drive.

We're wanting to know if she would be safe if we put a lot of mulch in there for her to burrow in, if that would be adequate for her for that time. Obviously, her tank is priority one when we get to our new home, but we don't want her to get too stressed out, so we're not sure how to properly move her with us to where we have to go.

Any suggestions for a safe way to travel wtih her?


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5 Year Member
Move the tank with the van, move the GU in something smaller like a pillowcase in a box or backpack and keep her with you. I like the backpack in case you stop to eat somewhere, you can bring her in with you discreetly instead of having to leave the girl in the vehicle.


New Member
When we got ours we drove four hours home with him in a large cat carrier with towels to hide in. he didn't hide, and as a matter of fact didn't seem stressed at all, even ate a few bites of watermelon the way home. Course, we didn't take him in anywhere, maybe a backpack would be better if you anticipate any stops, so as not to scare anyone or get tossed out of a restaurant.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
I'd use both,..something secure for the car ride that he can't get out of. Preferably a crate or something hard in case things fall. As well as something inconspicuous if you want or need to take him inside some where with you.

I did the back pack thing and I'll be damned if Dino didn't get out while I was driving, when he wanted to.


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5 Year Member
You can use one of those very tiny locks with keys to make the backpack inescapable. :)

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