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New Member
Hi! If anyone can give me advice on how to keep humidity in a 3x2x1 glass tank w a screen top it would be appreciated. If I do not constantly spray it down during the day it will drop to 40%. Please help.


Active Member
Close off as much of the top as you possibly can, avoiding any equipment (plastic wrap and tape will work) - you want as little ventilation as possible barring two small vent holes, which you will likely already have from the places where your lights sit. That will give you a good "base line" on how much extra moisture to add each day. A moisture retaining substrate will help a lot too, peat/sphagnum moss, top soil and cypress mulch blended together usually works nicely. Beyond those first two steps, supplement with misting or humidifiers where needed. Avoid making the substrate soggy. A future enclosure upgrade should be a lot easier to work with since most adult enclosures are much better suited to maintain humidity and heat.


New Member
Close off as much of the top as you possibly can, avoiding any equipment (plastic wrap and tape will work) - you want as little ventilation as possible barring two small vent holes, which you will likely already have from the places where your lights sit. That will give you a good "base line" on how much extra moisture to add each day. A moisture retaining substrate will help a lot too, peat/sphagnum moss, top soil and cypress mulch blended together usually works nicely. Beyond those first two steps, supplement with misting or humidifiers where needed. Avoid making the substrate soggy. A future enclosure upgrade should be a lot easier to work with since most adult enclosures are much better suited to maintain humidity and heat.
Thank you, I am getting a grow tent soon was hoping to wait till she gets a little bigger. She’s only about 14inches rn. Could you recommend some brands of top soil & cypress mulch?


Active Member
Thank you, I am getting a grow tent soon was hoping to wait till she gets a little bigger. She’s only about 14inches rn. Could you recommend some brands of top soil & cypress mulch?

Nothing special, the kinds you find at the hardware stores are generally okay . Just be sure they don't have anything added to them (no dyed mulch, or anything with chemicals).

Dylan koch

At homedepot or lowes I buy this 100% organic peat moss and spagnum moss mix that looks like dirt and use 5 gal buckets and mix with water to get it damp and then just mist daily works amazing and I put cypress mulch on top to help with not dirtying their soak/water dishes. But I spray once a day just to keep it moist but I've had enclosures I'm past that had screen tops and I would cut pieces of ply wood to cover the screen and when misting spray the screen so it gets alot of water droplets and the wood beforeclosing!! But since I have made all new encloser from seal wood I dont have humidity issues. But u will quickly find out it will need some ventilation best usually on sides not top though because humidity escapes from top usually. But with zero ventilation you will deal with mold issues which I dealt with when trying to find a happy medium with top screen cages... best to just move on from them which you will need to do shortly tegus grow extremely fast when fed properly

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