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Youch, I hate finger/nail wounds, they tend to throb a while! You need to hire yourself a decoy when you go nest raiding Bobby, i'll send you my resume :-D
I got a hit just like that one...once. I was stooooopid.
I had just thrown a rat in for dinner. The rat sat right under her chest and nothing was going on. They were just sitting there. I then pointed to my little princess and said, "hey! Its right...."
Then she nailed my thumb. Just like the shot above. It was real quck. She immediately let go and started pushing whatever part of me was till in her mouth out like substrate. Didn't like my taste. Got that going for me.
After that, she has never bit me. Just me being stoooooopid.
I just removed her clutch a few days ago and she sat there and threatened me...no follow through. She was vibrating her tail about 2 feet away and would not advance. She then would walk around in a circle as if frustrated. Then vibrate. Stop. Look at me. Look at the eggs. Vibrate. Look at the eggs. Look at me. Vibrate.
You get the idea. She was telling me to back off. Amazing how they communicate.