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I hope im doing the right thing


Active Member
I hope im doing the right thing
Ok so here was the deal, my male midgar was in an enclosure that was 5ftx2xx2ft. He is getting big fast and i know for about a wk it was too small for him. So My husband has 2 red tails that are housed in a enclsure that is 6ftx3ftx4ft , and plus we have 2 ball pythons that are house in a a 4ftx3ftx3ft . So what i did was I took the red tails and moved them where the pythons where and the pythons are now where midgar was and now Midgar is in the boas tank which is 6ftx3ftx4ft temp till we can build him his new enclosure! So with that said was that an ok idea to do. Cuz when he was in the other tank I was noticing that he wasnt using his back legs very well, he was kinda draggin them behind him, cuz the tank wasnt tall enough. So I noticed right away when I set him up in the other tank he started using them right away.. I was very happy..So I do have plans on building him another enclosure that is going to sit on top of my females tank. its going to be 6ftx3ftx2 1/2 ft is this big enough for him?


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I doubt that him not using his back legs has anything to do with the size of the enclosure... A lack of UVB will cause a calcium deficiency. In that case it is common for them to stop using limbs as the bones become weak.

Does he have a UVB light?

You never mentioned the age nor size of your tegu...

I'm sure he appreciated the larger enclosure. It is amazing how fast they grow isn't it?

The "minimum acceptible size enclosure" for an adult Tegu is regularly debated. Most say either 6'x3' or 8'x4'... Personally I think gender must be considered as a 3' female will be satisified with a smaller enclosure than a 4' male...

I went with an 8' x 3' indoor enclosire and a 6' x 12' outdoor enclosure...


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yes i use a uvb/uva powersun 100 w for him . basking temp is 105 to 107. other side of tank is 80 to 82. plus i use a cal dust for them as well. He is almost 2 yrs old and almost 3 ft long! Sence putting him in the new temp enclosure he is now using his legs... :app

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