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I wasnt sure where to post this but maybe someone will know this Q.

so i was on Prehistorics site, and was looking at the rectics (( my faves by far when it comes to pythons )) and i started looking at their merch ect, and found this book http://www.prehistoricpets.com/products/779-a-guide-to-the-rattlesnakes-of-the-united-states

does anyone know if its worth the buy or can someone offer amazing books on other snakes as well ect reptiles that are rather long? (( i read allot of books and read all the ones on snakes ect at the librarys here along time ago and they rarely get new ones in )) so yeah... but i mainly read things like edgar allan poe, shake spear, ect so i like good long big thick heavey books. so anyways if this book is worth the buy for what it says or if someone already owns it and recommends it, id be very thankful and appreciate twwards you for your reommendation and advice on other books if possible on reptiles.

With Love to the tegutalkians B.M.D.H.666 :)

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