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Illumination/Temp Issue


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
So due to a variety of extenuating circumstances, Kodo is no longer living at the museum but is with me full time. Until I can manage to get the 6x3 enclosure I want, I have him set up in the 65 gallon that I used to house my uro Spike in. I have a pretty good temp gradient going (105-110 on the warm side, 85ish on the cool side, and no lower than 80 at night) with just a big Power Sun bulb on the warm side. The problem is that there is only illumination on one side of the tank. I tried adding a simple 100 watt Zoo Med Daylight Blue bulb just for more light but it sent the temp in tank up way to high. I don't like that half the cage is dark during the day and I'm worried it may monkey with Kodo's circadian rhythms. Any ideas what I can do to get more light without more heat?


5 Year Member
lol agreed, if I want to light a cage up without heat I use a simple light bulb, the lower the wattage the less heat will come off it and they all would light up half of a 65g just fine

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