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Impaction or Constipation? Help Needed!

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Ok so the liver appears to be a no-go as well. He picked a piece up and carried across his enclosure and dropped it. (He's still on paper, no mulch).

So I am wondering, since he never really hibernated, is it possible he is TRYING to hibernate now? He keeps burrying himself in his towels.

The attack lunge seems to have stopped in its tracks.

He is wobbly looking right now, and is losing weight.

Do I dare try a mouse???? You know, after the impaction?


I am kinda at the point where if he doesn't eat (it's been since his last force feeding) he'll starve to death, but if I try a mouse and he eats it, will he get impacted again?


5 Year Member
Oh, man! You fed him a mouse? Bummer...

You ALMOST had him. ALMOST!!! He's obviously got a preference for mice...you're gonna have to let him get hungry enough to eat other things (like that piece of liver you offered that he was considering eating the other day).

I know it's hard to sit back and not feed your tegu...trust me, I know. BUT, had you held out just a bit longer, you might've been able to flip your tegu to other food sources other than mice (which can and have caused digestion issues).

Unless you get your tegu to eat other things, you're probably going to wind up in the same situation as before--I truly hope not though.

Good luck with everything!

Draco D Tegu

New Member
LOL yeah I know I'm a sucker. Prior to giving him those mice a few weeks ago, he had only had pinkies. He ALWAYS ate his other foods. Right now I have some turkey in there and...he's ignoring it. I fed him the mouse two days ago.

I just felt being so weak with being so sick he needed SOME thing to give him nourishment.

I'm usually not such a sucker, but eh, well he had to eat something.

But now we're playing hardball. LOL


5 Year Member
What are rosie reds?

Ya know what's kinda funny?

The Extreme Giant that I picked up from Bobby this winter has started holding out for mice now, too. Guess who's gonna be hungry for a while?

Draco D Tegu

New Member
LOL its contagious. Rosie reds are a kind of fish. They're related to the fathead minnow.

Figure my WD's loved the small ones, maybe he'll gobble a few larger ones.

Draco D Tegu

New Member
slideaboot said:
Hell, it's worth a shot, right!?!?

Well, it was messy but he ate about 10 of them (only about 2 inches long each).

Seeing a gu catching fish is funnier than I dunno what. Next time I"ll record it!

Draco D Tegu

New Member
LOL there are a lot of threads on youtube that have caught a lot of flack for feeding live animals to reptiles. I'd have to agree with Montana and share such with select few. Don't need PETA on my doorstep

Draco D Tegu

New Member
We have success. Little goober got hungry enough to eat chicken last night. And ....more fish, although this was just tilapia filet.

I AM smarter than the tegu!

Or is it just one of those evil take over the world let her think she's won plots?


5 Year Member
Nice! Chicken AND fish, eh? I'm on day 3 with Francis...she's being stubborn about this whole ground turkey / beef liver mixture. I know she'll eat it, because she has before. But, MAN, is she being a butt about it!

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