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ok now i'm getting kinda worried, my tegu is lethargic and has refused food for the past couple days... we boarded him for the weekend and they told me he didnt eat there either but this is normal as he doesnt like change... but now that he is home and still not eating I am concerned he is generally a great eater after thinking about it i realized he hasnt pooped in some time.. he is on cypress but I feed him outside of cage his temps avg in the high 80's his breathing seems somewhat labored also he will move around a little then take a rest breathing hard... does this sound like impaction? and how cani treat it if he wont eat? ...any help will be greatly appreciated thanks
Well, it could be stress from having him boarded for the weekend. Although, some of the things you are talking about does not seem like all stress related.
You could try soaking him for a bit in some warm water to see if he will pass anything. Other then that a few xrays at a vet might be the way to go.
i did soak him today and he passed hard white urate... with some yellow chunks too.. he did that yesterday also .. he usually will follow that with normal poop but has not yet.. how long till i get really worried.. not sure if I can afford a vet right now as they are very expensive in my area and (after breaking my back in dec. the bills are quite high) I would like to try a little longer if possible but will take him to vet if needed... is there anything other than soaking? a tegu laxative?
The hard white/yellow stuff is urates. That's normal. When he is trying to poop does he wiggle his behind side to side like my Tegu did in the video below ? If yes then there is a high chance for him to be impacted. I recommend having his basking temps at 110 to 115. Do you have a UVB light ? What kind and how old is it ?
Impacted Tegu trying to poop.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/txrepgirl#p/u/23/kBEoZOxVxQI" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/user/txrepgirl#p ... BEoZOxVxQI</a><!-- m -->
Yah usually Tyson will pass urates within 2 minutes of being in the tub, but try leaving him in some mildly hot water for 15 to 20 min. By mildly hot I mean about what his basking spot is, thats what Tyson bathes in. One time he ate a huge piece of cyprus mulch just for fun, and finally passed it after about 20 min in the tub. If a nice hot bath for a couple days doesn't spur activity then a vet is in order.