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Interesting shed

Dana C

When I got Gordo in mid December, I didn't really acknowledge to myself the at we wasn't in very good shape. It wasn't until he got through a shed that he really looked great with scales that were really shinny and bold. He also has grown a couple inches in the last couple of months

I knew he was coming up for a shed as he rubbed alot in the bath room and managed to get the old scales off his head but their were no dull colors, lack of sheen etc. which marked his first shed with me. Yesterday, however after his bath, I noticed that he had developed what looked like 4" patches just forward of his hind legs on each side that looked sort of like semi opaque plastic wrap. When he came to me for his usual mid roam check in, I held and looked closely at the patches. I pulled up on one of them and could see new scales underneath. I gently tore the patch on his left side can confirm what I thought. I slid my index finger under his skin and was able to remove his entire body shed in two pieces, one huge one and one a little smaller as it tore off. It was like taking a snap front / back t shirt off of a baby. I couldn't believe it.
The skin / scales on the back of his neck mid way up was slightly peeled back so I tried the same thing on his head and neck and it come off like pulling a t shirt off over your head. His legs were the same although he hasn't really separated his tail scales yet.


San Luis Obispo, CA
Have you ever noticed any discomfort when you assist their shed? Just a question, as when I assisted some of my other lizards, they seemed uncomfortable. Are tegus different that way?

Dana C

The first couple of times I have done it they seemed a bit uncomfortable but now they tolerate it pretty much. I think it might feel good to get rid of the shed but the pulling puts them off. That is my theory at any rate. My monitor isn't quite as amenable but will let me do a little picking as long as I don't do it for long.


New Member
Weird sheds are cool. A couple of times my Tegu's sheds on his feet have come off like gloves! I pressed them in a book somewhere.

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