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Issues with humidity


New Member
Okay so to keep my humidity levels at about 80% I need to mist every 30 minutes. When I mist and the combo of heat it rises to almost 90% and within 30 minutes it is back down to 50%. At night it stays at 80% but when the lights come on it just dries it out so much. So I tried a cool mist and it doesn't get it up above 60%, I tried a warm mist but it got so hot it dropped dripplets out that was hot enough to cause a blister instantly so we never even used it to see about levels as that was a major fire/injury risk! I am back to using my cool mist and I have shortened the hose to see if that helps. I have place a sealed piece of wood on top of the screen so I am not losing much out of the top any more. With my cool mist it blows cool air out but it is not mist. I read someone say that their Tegu puts their head right in the mist. I can't figure out why I can't get mist into my tank unless it is a hot air and in that case it is crazy hot and dangerous. :chin
I am curious what make/model cool mist/warm mist do people use? I am on my 3rd humidifier with no luck. This "cheaper" method is starting to cost me $$$! I would just suck it up and buy a Reptifogger ( I probably could have bought 2 by now) but I have already spent over $100 on humidifiers I want to make the one work that I have :fc


New Member
Personally I think its the screen top that's causing you issues. I had a screen top and couldn't keep my humidity up for the life of me. When I upgraded cages this one is solid plexiglass and if I don't mist for 3 days the humidity on the heatlamp side is 60%. As far as the fogger goes I have no experience with these so dunno lol


New Member
My top used to be screen but last week I got a piece of wood cut to fit the top and sealed it with a water proof sealer.


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Make sure the wood has plenty of ventilaztion, improper ventilaztion can lead to mold which can cause alot more problems. Now are u messuring humidity as humidity of the air, becuase air humidity is impossible to keep at 80% without foggers or misters. For good shedding the substrate has to be kept relativly moist. I personal use a humidity hut which is easier to keep the substrate moist without the light drying it out.


5 Year Member
JohnMatthew said:
Using a wet hide is pretty effective at keeping their sheds nice and neat.

That sounds like a much more manageable option. What does a "wet hide" consist of, exactly?


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5 Year Member
A wet hide is a box that can hold humity that allows the tegu to enter and exit as it pleases. I really should take a photo of mine but i'm not home. Anyway. People have different ways of going around it and you can get as fancy or as simple as you want. I use a rubbermaid contaior big enough for him to turn around it, cut a hole about the with of his shoulders and filled it up with cypress mulch (can only find small bags in cali so the humidity hut worked great for this) and some new zealand moss. He took to it with no problem. with this system i can keep the hide at 80% with wetting it only once every few days.


New Member
I had an old plastic container that is about 2'x1', I cut a 4" hole out of the top and covered the sharp plastic with some duck tape, filled the tub about 3/4 full with warm, damp peat moss. I then put duck tape over the the lid as it is a clear container so now they can have some privacy. It fits in the tank like a glove and they have both been in and out of it a few times checking it out. I think we'll make something like this for our large enclosure that we will be working on over the winter as it is great if I need to go away for a day or two and cannot keep the humidity up in the tank.

Thanks for the ideas!!

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