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You can really see the size and color difference in the first pic, you have some beautiful tegu's. Pictures like these make me all the more excited to get mines (even though i have a killer of a wait left to get mines so hopefully time flies).
Yeah the wait sucks. I waited 4 months for mine and I thought it would never end lol, but it was all worth it. They are by far my most exciting reptile!!! I can't wait till this summer when they really take off!
What kind are you getting and when is it suppose to come?
That's cool mine are both varnyard, Bobby does some amazing tegus. Do you already have your cage setup? That took us forever! Both my tegus sleep in a blanket at night in there cage I must say it's alot easier to find them. It's funny but around 4:30 everyday jazz moves his butt from his basking spot to inside his blanket. I did 1/2 jungle mix and the other 1/2 repti carpet. I like having the separation and i know for sure they are not eating any substrate!! How many are you getting?
Yeah i have seen a lot of varnyard tegus on the forum and they are amazing! I do not have the cage set up but i have the cage and all of the decor including, thermometer/hygrometer,thermostat,light fixture +Mvb, basically everything except for my substrate. I will wait until like around April to go out and find some cypress and then set every thing up about 2weeks before arrival so that i can mess around with the temps and get everything set up right.
As of now i am getting just 1 arg b&w, but i know eventually i will get another and maybe another lol. I want to start of with one and see how things go from there.
No one really knows as they haven't been around all that long. I think the first breeding was last year, though it may have been the year before (I forget). Definitely no earlier than that, though.
Sorry everyone I've been away for awhile. No he did not hibernate he's been an eating machine!! Thanks for all the comments he is goin through terrible "2's" and being a pooper. The question about how big they get is unknown. 09' was the first year Bobby did this. So far mine is getting huge and he is only 7.5 months!!! He doubles my extreme who is a month older!!
This is Jazz taken a few days ago. He threw a tantrum and was placed on his back to take a chill pill. Not sure what to do about his biting issue. I don't feed him live food in his cage and he is held and loved everyday... Hope it's just a stage...