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Junior wont hibernate!


New Member
5 Year Member
Hey all!
So down here it's plain hibernation season now and Juancha went totally under a month and a half ago. But Junior how ever simply don't wanna sleep.

He's slowed down a lot(started more than a month ago), and is only up between 09:00 - 12:30. He still eats a little chicken once or twice each week. Doesn't even bother with any other food. Totally stopped growing as well. Body functions: check

He made himself a nice burrow. Humidity is always 75 - 85. Temp's around 70 - 80. Is it too hot for him to hibernate??

How can i make him hibernate??

I hate to see him this slow and would prefer him to hibernate, so please help me!


New Member
5 Year Member
^^ it's an hysterical issue which i think every tegu owner worries about.....especially when it's his first "hibernation". So just go with it makes one mad.

How ever....Junior was hatched february 2009. Which is kind of late, since here they usually hatch between december - january. And since he's not feeling the natural conditions due to him being in an inside enclosure, maybe he's just a bit confused and delayed.
Sure hope he starts to sleep soon though :p

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