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Just curious - How much did you spend on your first Gu?


5 Year Member
In about 2 to 3 more months, I'll be joining the ranks of Tegu ownership :D

On a side note, I'm just curious and I really want to know how much did you guys spend total on supplies, food and of-course, your tegu itself? I was thinking of buying a custom cage from a online retailer like LLLReptile, Custom Cages, etc but I've been finding lots, and I mean lots of custom built cages for sale in my area. My first gu will be living in a spacious 4'x2'x2' until he reaches about 2 feet. Then he will be upgraded to it's adult enclosure. As of right now, I'm not really sure what type of tegu it will be between a red or black and white because they won't be ready until late September. I'm getting mine from a guy that breeds them in my town.

I just want to see how much did you guys spend. I think this post can also be helpful to new members considering a Tegu so they'll know about how much they can expect to spend on their new Gu.


5 Year Member
I'm racking about the dollars so far but thats only because im inexperienced and getting ready for my first tegu too! The tegu itself is 150$ from bobby (hasn't hatched yet but still waiting), as as for supplies so far I've bought a 20g long tank, a light dome, a hood for the uvb bulb, 2 bulbs all for about 100$ or so. Then I decided I wanted a bigger enclosure so I bought a 4x2x14" one with light fixtures built into it for 120$ off craigslist. I probably wasted some money on the 20g and the light fixtures that I no longer need now, but I might be able to use them later on? So far I've put like 250$ into it and I haven't even filled the enclosure with substrate or decorations or hides and all that. I'm hoping I can find hides and water bowls somewhere cheap because the ones at the pet stores get up to be 20-30$ a piece...


5 Year Member
Diablo said:
I'm racking about the dollars so far but thats only because im inexperienced and getting ready for my first tegu too! The tegu itself is 150$ from bobby (hasn't hatched yet but still waiting), as as for supplies so far I've bought a 20g long tank, a light dome, a hood for the uvb bulb, 2 bulbs all for about 100$ or so. Then I decided I wanted a bigger enclosure so I bought a 4x2x14" one with light fixtures built into it for 120$ off craigslist. I probably wasted some money on the 20g and the light fixtures that I no longer need now, but I might be able to use them later on? So far I've put like 250$ into it and I haven't even filled the enclosure with substrate or decorations or hides and all that. I'm hoping I can find hides and water bowls somewhere cheap because the ones at the pet stores get up to be 20-30$ a piece...

That's awesome! It's an awesome feeling knowing you're getting ready to get a new pet, especially your first tegu :) I'm very excited myself. I'm still waiting on a clutch to hatch as well. Black and Whites are cool but I might go for a red...or both if my budget allows it xD


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1,000+ Post Club
Teguzilla said:
In about 2 to 3 more months, I'll be joining the ranks of Tegu ownership :D

On a side note, I'm just curious and I really want to know how much did you guys spend total on supplies, food and of-course, your tegu itself? I was thinking of buying a custom cage from a online retailer like LLLReptile, Custom Cages, etc but I've been finding lots, and I mean lots of custom built cages for sale in my area. My first gu will be living in a spacious 4'x2'x2' until he reaches about 2 feet. Then he will be upgraded to it's adult enclosure. As of right now, I'm not really sure what type of tegu it will be between a red or black and white because they won't be ready until late September. I'm getting mine from a guy that breeds them in my town.

I just want to see how much did you guys spend. I think this post can also be helpful to new members considering a Tegu so they'll know about how much they can expect to spend on their new Gu.

I spent about 20 bucks on a very large clear storage box from Walmart for my temp enclosure and used my rotozip to cut out the hole for the lamp I drilled all other vent holes. I already had all the cage furniture and lamps. Buy your cypress mulch from a garden center. I will be building my semi temporary enclosure from lumber painted with drylok. I am using grade A clear no knots lumber, but it"s expensive. You can use cheap boards with SMALL knots, but use exterior plywood for sides and bottom and be sure to seal the end grain and all edges. you can do it cheap with 2x4's and acx plywood. That plus $350 for an extreme giant. You can get a regular Black and white for $150, but I had to have the biggest. But, hey, if you're only gonna have one tegu, shouldn't it be the biggest?


5 Year Member
I got about 700 in mine with setup. Extreme tegu was 350.00. but this is everything down to remote misters lights ect.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
$150 locally for guru. Then I got 2 males from an acquaintance which were $200 with enclosure. Then a hybrid for $340.

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