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Active Member
I'm going away for a few days and I want to make sure Loki is well taken care of. He absolutely hates being stuck in his cage and will destroy the cage (and his nose) if left alone for too long - so having someone stop by and feed him isn't an option. I found a fantastic kennel that is really going out of their way to accommodate him. I brought him by to meet the staff today and everyone loved him - I didn't think I'd be able to trust anyone else to take care of him but their attention to detail really put my mind at ease.

I am wondering if anyone has any pointers to share. I'm going to bring his water dish, heat lamp, cat bed, and some laundry for him to burrow in. I'm also going to bring a few extra portions of food and a bunch of quail eggs as treats. Does anyone else have any ideas on what I should bring to keep him happy. The largest cages they have are wire - has anyone had any specific issues with wire cages? I was thinking about hanging some blankets so he doesn't bang his nose up.

They are alright with giving him some free roam time, I briefed them on tegu temper tantrums (although he seems to be on his absolute best behavior around new people). I'll be providing them with a bunch of notes on his care, and the vets phone number. I haven't done this before so I'd really appreciate any pointers on making this go smoothly.


The wire cage could raise some problems if he rubs on the like most tegus do but I've never done anything like this but I commend you on your effort. Good luck with everything

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
If they're not already knowledgeable, let the staff know that although he's calm now there maybe a change in attitude once you're gone. Especially with new people, sites, sounds, smells and all around environment. To keep him mellow most of the time, I would skip a few meals before you leave then feed him a heavy whole prey meal the day of. That way he'll just spend most of the time lounging around, sleeping and digesting his food instead of worrying about everything else.

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