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Liver and Oil


New Member
I was wandering if there is such thing as too much of beef liver and/or cod liver oil. I was thinking about mixing one pound of ground turkey with beef liver, and another pound of turkey with the cod liver oil.

The feeding schedule would look like:
Monday - ground turkey with beef liver
Tuesday - ground beef
Wednesday - roaches
Thursday - ground turkey with cod liver oil
Friday - ground beef
Saturday - roaches
Sunday - pinkey mouse

Does that look like a good spread, or is there something that I should change? I'm asking because I just re-read over Bobby's care sheet and it says he only feeds the liver once or twice a week. I didn't know if there was such a thing as too much beef liver and/or cod liver oil. And each serving of ground meats (turkey and beef) will have calcium (Zoo-Med Repti-Calcium without D3).


New Member
I heard the same thing but I don't know what evidence there is to support it. Beef is a little harder to digest so that might have something to do with it.

I also don't feed any ground meats, only pieces of meat like gizzards, chicken breast, fish, mice, rats etc. It works really well for me and its alot easier to clean.


New Member
DMBizeau said:
I heard the same thing but I don't know what evidence there is to support it. Beef is a little harder to digest so that might have something to do with it.

I also don't feed any ground meats, only pieces of meat like gizzards, chicken breast, fish, mice, rats etc. It works really well for me and its alot easier to clean.

I was planning on throwing in some non ground meats when she gets a lil older.

Do you just go to the meat department at the store and ask for the gizzards and such, I didn't see them when I was at Publix last lol.


Beef is only bad because there is a good amount of fat in it. But turkey is great because it has a little amount of fat.


95% Lean Ground Beef, Raw (100g) has 5g of fat compared to Ground turkey, Raw (114g) which has 9.4g of fat...

Don't forget that heart from any animal is a great source of muscle meat. Beef heart has less fat than lean ground beef.

Raw beef heart (113g) has 4.5g of fat.

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