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Looking for excellent home for my tegu


New Member
Hi everyone, i'm currently looking for a home for my blk n wht arg. tegu (about 24"). This is literally breaking my heart as I have raised him from a baby (hes a varnyard '10) and simply cant house him anymore due to my financial situation. I would like him to go to an awesome home ONLY, someone with prior experience with tegus and hopefully an active member on this forum. He's on chicks, rat pups, egg and turkey mix every other day, with uv and supplements. Id really love for someone to pick him up but for the perfect home I will ship, I'd also like a rehoming fee of 100 to make sure money isn't a problem in his new home. I have seen small bebes so I'm assuming he's male, and is in good condition and has hibernated every year. It would mean the world to me to find someone else who will put as much time, research and care into this tegu as I have.

I'm located in fort myers florida please pm for more info.

XPOSTED to Thetegu


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New Member
random123 said:
Hi everyone, i'm currently looking for a home for my blk n wht arg. tegu (about 24"). This is literally breaking my heart as I have raised him from a baby (hes a varnyard '10) and simply cant house him anymore due to my financial situation. I would like him to go to an awesome home ONLY, someone with prior experience with tegus and hopefully an active member on this forum. He's on chicks, rat pups, egg and turkey mix every other day, with uv and supplements. Id really love for someone to pick him up but for the perfect home I will ship, I'd also like a rehoming fee of 100 to make sure money isn't a problem in his new home. I have seen small bebes so I'm assuming he's male, and is in good condition and has hibernated every year. It would mean the world to me to find someone else who will put as much time, research and care into this tegu as I have.

I'm located in fort myers florida please pm for more info.

XPOSTED to Thetegu

Did you find a home for your male? Would you ship to 94704

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