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Losing our Rights


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5 Year Member
I don't know if anyone got the same email I did from USARK, but it seems as if the EPW board, most notably the dems, are railroading USARK and not allowing them to help in the amendment process. If this goes through everyones pythons, and possibly the boa constrictor and anacondas will be worthless. (Minus the pleasure of keeping them of course.) That's all the Pythons! Including balls, which are obviously super dangerous. If the government thought that there was a problem with releasing snakes into the wild now, just wait until people who are breeding, or who have bred their pythons this year can't sell their stock. Most won't do this, but I almost guarantee that there will be some that will just release them. Sorry for the rant, but this just makes me so mad. I mean, more people die from dog attacks, but where is the legislation for that? There are more wild dogs than released wild snakes. AHHHH! :mad

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