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Lost tegu's trust, help!


New Member
I'm relocating from northern NY to NC, and began my trip yesterday, it's 13 hour drive in perfect conditions (so really about 16 hrs total). Anyways, I stopped halfway at a hotel to catch some z's after about 8 hrs on the road and give my tegu, Hades a break too. I expected him to be stressed from the stopping and going, the bumps from the crappy sections of highway, and just being confined to his soft pet carrier but when I went to take him out in the hotel room it was like we were back at day 1. Squirming, scratching, even attempting to bite (and he's never really done that before), this got me a bit flustered, so I took some deep breaths and absorbed myself in some TV and reading, leaving Hades alone. This morning when I went to place him back in the tote, same thing, and I had to grab him by the base of his tail/neck (firmly, but not hard) to prevent the attempts at biting...on to the actual question now: when I get to the new house, my wife and I have a room designated for him (and a couple snakes, they've got locked cages), should I leave him be for a few days and just kind of restart the whole trust process again? Once again, was expecting him to get pissed - I'd hate being in a little tote being subjected to strange noises and motions I wasn't used to either as well. Just wanted some opinions on strategy(ies). Thanks!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Hey, sorry to hear about all this. I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.

Unfortunately, in instances like this - sometimes you do have to start over, but it will be a much quicker process than the first time around (to regain his trust). Not saying this is in all cases, your situation may only take a few days to a week before he calms down again.

If I were in your place, I would refrain from giving him the entire room to free roam in for the first week, place him in his setup (if you still have it), to confine/and allow him to cool down a little. Just my two cents!

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