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lump in my tegu's body


New Member
rasputin101 said:
The temperature in the tank's 95 degrees in the basking area which is the rough temperature the guy I bought him off told me was best to keep him at. I don't have a thermometer in the cool end but there is a large tray of water to keep the humidity up.
The only thing in the tank other than the big tray of water is a small drinking dish (which might be redundant next to the larger one) and a big hollowed out cork bark. The substrate is fine Orchid and there's nothing that could've fallen on him.

I've attached a photo of the lump but it's hard to keep him still for photos up close because of his need to breath lol. I've done my best though

... and this'n from a shinier angle

Hello there, i bought a Tegu just over a week ago now and have just started to handle him. Ive noticed a small lump similar to the one you've described on your Tegu and was just wondering if you have discovered what it is? At first i thought it may have been a micro chip but the place i got him from didn't say he had been chipped and never gave me any details of the chip. The lump looks very similar to the one in your picture. Any feedback you have will be much appreciated as very worried about it at the moment.
Thank you for your time.


rasputin101 said:
ok cool, I'll gorge him up on meat... can anybody recommend what kind? I'vee seen that zoo med do cans of tegu food but I don't fancy the £4.00 a day bill that comes with them

the vet didn;t mention his weight so can't be a problem but I don't like being hungry so I'm sure he won't too.

Plus I got myself the Hygrometer and a infared thermometer so I'm all set up now

Is there a fish market or a live animal market in your vicinity? if so ask them for the entrails and scrap parts of the rabbits , poultry etc at the end of the day . Its a good way to get free or cheap organs and stuff for you Gu's and then if you wish you can grind or blend it with veggies fruit or such.
I see it as a win win situation because they don't have to pay someone to cart away the scraps and you get a steady supply stream of inexpensive nutritious food for you little Gu.
I get it in five gallon pails and freeze it in gallon bags for my feedings . I just thaw out what i need and give it to my babies( 10 of them) i just have to mix in some veggies at times. the only thing I feel like i need to put in for my own personal preference is crushed chicken and or rabbit bones into the mix. That way I know they are getting the calcium they need.

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