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Mad Hops.


New Member
So, my little colombian Megatron is pretty calm for their reputation. He has never bit, snip, or even so much as scratched us. He is pretty comfortable climbing all over me and resting in my hoodie pocket (he's fallen asleep in there, it's adorable!). Today, however, he scared the crap out of me. He was resting in my hand all calm-like when I think he got spooked or something. He jumped off, and when I say jumped, I mean soared! He jump from my hand, right over my fiance who was laying next to me, right into a mess of blankets off to the side! We quickly retrived him so we didn't lose him, but I was surprised just how agile the little guy is. Hopefully when he's bigger he'll be easier to keep track of. xD


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1,000+ Post Club
Never underestimate the agility and speed of a lizard, especially a small one. I notice when Kodo jumps he uses his tail to help in the initial thrust of getting off the ground.


New Member
Megatron said:
So, my little colombian Megatron is pretty calm for their reputation. He has never bit, snip, or even so much as scratched us. He is pretty comfortable climbing all over me and resting in my hoodie pocket (he's fallen asleep in there, it's adorable!). Today, however, he scared the crap out of me. He was resting in my hand all calm-like when I think he got spooked or something. He jumped off, and when I say jumped, I mean soared! He jump from my hand, right over my fiance who was laying next to me, right into a mess of blankets off to the side! We quickly retrived him so we didn't lose him, but I was surprised just how agile the little guy is. Hopefully when he's bigger he'll be easier to keep track of. xD

thats awsome mine does the same thing he loves the pockets,also jumping at random moments,and like dragonmetalhead said it seems he uses his tail to get a better launch.

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