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New Member
I have a late 2011 Varnyard extreme that went into hibernation 4 months ago and is starting to wake up. He came out to eat yesterday and I noticed that he was moving slowly and slightly dragging his back legs. I have a powersun basking light and a 2 foot 10.0 bulb over his enclosure that are only 2 weeks old. My thoughts are that especially since he was only a couple of months old when he went down and has not been out from under the substrate for so long, that the light not penetrating through the cypress has caused the onset of MBD??? I gave him a good soak in the bath tub and he seemed to be moving a little better, but still struggled with his back legs. I dont know if this was wrong to do but I removed all the mulch from his enclosure and put down newspaper in an attempt to allow more UVA/UVB to soak in.He has his hide, water and basking log still in there with him. I am hoping that being out in the open more will do the trick but I also want to cover all my bases. Would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks!


New Member
They are both within 20 inches. I did have almost 8-9 inches of substrate in there and he was dug down pretty deep.

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