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Meal Plans? Columbian Black and White Tegu


New Member
Gulfport, MS
I was just wanting to get some ideas on typical meal plans? I don't have a lot of time during the week to make or prep food items for each individual meal. So I was wondering if there was a way that I could possibly prep the meals on the weekends, and thaw them out for each day. I have a colony of dubia roaches and also a supply of mice on hand ranging from pinkies to rats, which I can give fresh daily and dusted (not the mice daily). I plan on using quail, rabbit, goat and fish. Thanks again.

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
What I did was buy my meats, calcium, etc. Chopped them up into chunks smaller than the width of my tegus head. And tossed them around like a chunky salad in a giant bowl. Then I take sandwich baggies, and portion it out into single servings. Put all your single serving baggies into a big 1 gal baggie or a box and put them in the freezer. When its time to feed you can do one of two things. One is take out a baggie the day before and put it in the fridge to thaw. Or, what I do, is take out a baggie, put it in a large pot of warm water filled almost all the way up, put a small heavy lid (or turn the real lid upside down) on top to keep the baggie totally submerged, and go take a shower etc. Come back, feed to mr tegu... they want their stuff warm and its already warmed up. I'm VERY busy. So far this has taken the least amount of time and effort.


Active Member
Depending on how big your tegu is, you could use an ice cube tray and do that same thing but make mini "food-cubes" that you thaw out later. Works really well for babies and young tegus.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Love the ice cube tray trick. Makes portioning and preparation a whole lot easier! Let us know how it works out for you!

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