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Meet Merlin, our newest rescue and a special one at that!


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Meet Merlin, my newest rescue. He is a special needs Albino Blue Tegu. Although his previous owners really cared about him and tried their best, they were not aware of the special lighting and diet requirements of albinos. He has multiple problems as a result. He is completely blind and doesnt even bother opening his eyes. Hes very sensitive to noises because of that. Hes a bit more underweight than what the photos show, he was fed ground turkey and mango only and because of the heavy work schedule of his owner, he wasnt fed very often either. He moves very slow and is showing symptoms of an respiratory infection. He'll be visiting the vet this week for a check up. I have him set up with ceramic bulbs for basking and a very dim overhead light. I am still in shock that hes mine, never in a million years would I have ever thought I'd get the chance to own such a beautiful and rare animal. ♥ ♥



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A few notes: I won't let him have access to the second level if he is blind. If he finds his way up to the top he can fall off easily not being able to see the ramp. Also all the albinos I have read about, and the one I own, did not put weight no too well. They hold weight they just don't seem to get fat like other tegus.

Just want to make sure he doesn't hurt himself as it sounds like you already have a long road to recovery a head of you.

Thank you for helping this poor guy out.


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Amazing animal. And i commend you for taking him in. I had a blind bat in my care before and she was so rewarding to care for. I would probably tend to agree with the levels having potential danger... unless there was some sort of safety rail etc?


Now dangit! I love special needs animals, AND albinos! Why can't I have this guy? Nothing good ever comes near me! :D

But, thank you for taking him in! I am sure he will be much happier! (And if he ever needs a home. Contact me. You know where to find me)


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He will NOT be looking for a new home. He is here to stay.

This enclosure was in the middle of being prepped for a pair of monitors when I got the call for him, so it was my only open enclosure - we've taken in ALOT of rescues lately so we are pretty crowded at the moment. We will be building him a permanent enclosure very soon. The ramp doesn't go all the way to the floor so he cant get on the second story - I thought of that and made sure he wouldn't be able to so no worries there.


Well, I was kind of joking, and I was also just offering. I sensed a little bit too much defensiveness and hostility, and this is NOT the first I have gotten that from you. Anyway, beautiful Gu.


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Well, I was kind of joking, and I was also just offering. I sensed a little bit too much defensiveness and hostility, and this is NOT the first I have gotten that from you. Anyway, beautiful Gu.
I did not mean defensiveness or hostility towards you, but I have already told you I do not adopt out of state unless it is a special circumstance and you have inquired about many of the animals I have had.


I inquired about ONE. Hershell. I also asked if you knew of any reputable rescues that did ship, or that were near me. I also said if DID have one you would ship, you could let me know. Other than that I havn't asked about anything.

Regardless, I do not want to steer this thread this direction. Thank you for taking in Merlin!


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I inquired about ONE. Hershell. I also asked if you knew of any reputable rescues that did ship, or that were near me. I also said if DID have one you would ship, you could let me know. Other than that I havn't asked about anything.

Regardless, I do not want to steer this thread this direction. Thank you for taking in Merlin!

There was more than Hershel, perhaps your losing count. but if you have any issues with me please take it to pm.


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Ripkabird, relax. You're getting too offended over something that absolutely didn't sound offensive to me. I definitely would NOT ship a fragile, special needs animal halfway across the country when it's already in a perfectly good home that will love him and use him as an educational animal. I do feel as if you try to acquire an awful lot of animals, on this forum and others. Take it easy and enjoy the tegu you have for now man and maybe in the future see about getting more. A lot of people get in too deep too fast and then realize they're overwhelmed too late.


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I can't think of a better home for Merlin to be cared in other than Kayla's experience. I'm very glad you rescued him and I hope he does well in your care, do keep us posted with pics - if you so desire.

Ripkabird, no offense whatsoever, but you've got to cool it - turn it down a notch.


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Thank you TeguBuzz. :) I'm very glad he made his way to me as well, would hate to have him floating around in someone elses hands that didnt have a clue about their special requirements. I'm hoping he adjusts well. I'm a photo-maniac so Im sure there will be plenty of pics!


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He wasn't basking at all with the ceramic heat emitters. so I switched them out to some flood bulbs on a dimmer and he instantly started basking. Hes been decently active, exploring his new home and ate for me! Im quickly falling in love with him.

Poor quality pics with some flash burn but I cant get over how incredibly gorgeous he is.


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