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ihave sold a few reps but once in a while i get people asking if i accept money orders/personal check.i was wondering how these things work and if i can trust them.
A person pays a business or bank x amount of money, and the business issues a check in that amount called a money order. You take the money order to your bank and deposit it. Money orders eliminate the risk of counterfeit currency and are just as good as money.
Just don't take any money orders from a guy with poor English and grammar skills who offers you a money order worth hundreds or thousands of dollars more than the cost of your animal who says you can keep the "extra" money. That person is a SCAMMER.
haha yeah i could prolly figure that one out.i been getting a lot of scam emails on a game i play. sounds like its safe tho. i thought that it wold be like i send the animal and they send the check only i send an animal and they never send a check.
Believe me you can have problems with a money order. Ask your bank! One of the best ways is Postal Money Order that is entirely different than a Bank Money Order. It is still the best way and protects both sides.