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mixing fruits/vegetables w/ meat?


New Member
Hi, I just purchased a food processor so I can mix the ground beef and liver in a 3:1 ratio. I was wondering if I could mix some fruits and vegetables in with it before freezing since they eat that too. They are little now and I've read they won't eat fruits till later but I was wanting to maybe sneak some watermelon or cantaloupe in. I haven't been able to find liquid cod liver oil yet but I plan on mixing some of that in there too.


5 Year Member
Just wait until 1 yr old to mix in veggies and fruits. I tried mixing it in and she didn't like it. Just add fruits and veggies on the side to see if she/he eats them. I know mine will eat half sliced grapes. Cod Liver oil is generally kept in the healthy organic section in bottles. It's not a hard item to find because people use it to be healthy. Just like fish oil supplements. Also, make sure to add zoomed reptivitamin powder to the foods (i sprinkle it on top instead of blending it in the batch) and also use zoomed repti-cal without d3 (also sprinkle it on top).

My tegu loves the taste of the calcium powder but not the vitamin powder so much. She does like the cod liver oil taste too.

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