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Mouthful of eco earth.......



My EGT from bobby's early July batch just got a mouthful of eco earth from his wax worm treat, it was in a food dish when i gave it to him but you know how they tear EVERYTHING apart. I've heard of gecko's dying from eco earth impaction..... should i be worried about my little guy Sully?!

Please any advice would help

P.S. He was on cypress till he started eating it (meat juices) and he refuses to eat outside of his cage. any tips on that?

Thanks guys!


Ya know, as harsh as this may sound, I'd continue to try to feed him outside of his enclosure in a separate feeding bin. He may not like it at first, but he'll eventually become hungry enough to cave in. I know someone who had to do this for two whole weeks before his tegu would eat in a separate bin. The only problem though, is how young he is... someone might have a much better suggestion for you.


5 Year Member
I would recommend feeding Sully in a dark bin, too. One of my Tegu babies ( well they are not really babies any more ) wouldn't want to eat in the bin either. But after a while he did. Try to put him in a dark bin. Step back ( but not to far ) so he can't see you and just wait. He might be scare when you watch him.
If you want to you can give him same luke warm/warm baths for a few minutes for the next few days and see if he will poop out the mulch. This what the vets recommend for a impaction. Also try to feed some fruits or give him just a few drops ( not to much ) of cod liver oil in his ground turkey. This will soften up the stool and lubricate the inside so it can come out easier. But I don't think that from just a little bit of mulch that he is impacted.

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