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Hello, I'm getting my first black and white tegu Saturday. Any tips that would help me at first? anything would help, even how to set up their cage anything would be appreciated
I know that they can be very tame with time and can be very great pets I just need to be patient. Right now he's hibernating in Rubbermaid tubs and he's around 2 feet long idk how old he is exactly but for right now he'll be going into a 40 gallon tank with cypress mulch with a basking lamp and other lights with a shallow water dish
I have a wood shop in my basement so as soon as he'll need it he'll have it. I have UVB lights that will be in there and his cage will be next to a window for natural light. His current owner has been feeding chicken necks, eggs, fruit and veg, crickets, and mice
On the food part I personally like to vary the diet as much as possible. It helps prevent possible nutrient deficiencies, just make sure you know its safe for them first. Basically every feeder insect is good for them. Mine loves Dubia roaches. And fish and shrimp occasionally. As I have recently learned however pet store feeders can make your gu sick, so make sure its safe for human consumption first. And my little guy loves red bell peppers. Basically they will eat anything, but make sure its safe and healthy for them first. Other than that good luck, they're a handful sometimes but wonderful pets.