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My friends are awake

Dana C

Eva woke up today after a three week nap. I was afraid that perhaps she would have forgotten our closeness. She was all over me like white on rice. Her head was in my hand waiting for rubs after her bath. She would move the position of her head indicating where she wanted stroking. I feel very unmanly realizing that I missed a reptile. She barely ate anything but I am sure she will after another months nap.

Gordo was awake as well after a solid month of sleep. This time he was active. When he saw me he was at the doors to his enclosure in an instant.
The last time he woke up he had a drink and refused food. This time he seemed like he was begging. I thawed out a baggie of venison and beef liver for him which he proceeded to POUND down. I went to the refrigerator looking for more stuff he might want in his hunger. I found a lamb chop, medium size and cubed it. He inhaled that as well and gave a visible sigh of relief, went to his basking area which I had turned on and there he lays, fat and happy.

Is it weird to miss a reptiles interaction? I feel like that I am an old freak of nature. They are so in tune with me sometimes I find it hard to believe.
All in all, it was a great day.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
I'm glad they're coming around,.. I know you missed them and there's nothing weird about it :). You're on a forum with quite a few people that feel the same way.


5 Year Member
How cute :) . That's a nice story. Thank you for sharing it. Tegus are amazing lizards. You are lucky that they haven't been sleeping for that long. Some of our Tegus sleep for up to seven months. I go crazy when I don't see them for that long. So I know how you feel ;) .

Dana C

I know. I was afraid I wouldn't see them until April but when I woke up, Eva was up and basking under the heat lamp. I have turn her basking bulb on and enjoy her company again. Hopefully she will eat more. I made her favorite breakfast, scrambled eggs so hopefully she will at least have a snack.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
daveyboy7 said:
y do u let your tegu's hibernate?, i was told u do not need this 2 happen unless u are breeding them.

You can't control whether they hibernate or not, if they want to go down, they will whether or not your lighting cycle stays the same.

Great story Dana.

Dana C

Mine were up again today. No one wanted to eat however so I suspect they will go down for another month.
It is true that I have read that they don't have to hibernate but it has been my observation that their instinct to either bruminate or hibernate is a strong one. That being the case, like you Buzz, I figure what will be will be.


New Member
I'm always worried when it comes to winter about not seein' my girly. She has never hibernated, even with hours cut back, she's growing like crazy! She is getting a little sluggish, and she's also been sleeping 3-4 hours later than usual. I'd miss her too much if she went away!

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