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My new baby Colombian, Baragon

My Fantastic new Colombian from backwaterreptiles.com, I feed him a bit ago, still skiddish. But what can you do? In a new place, i'd be flustered too. But other than that he is very calm.
Aardbark said:
Awww, there is nothing cuter then a baby tegu. Also, I love the name.

At first he was REAL jumpy, I let him bask a bit. Eat some food, left him to his own devices. I noticed how in a certain corner he goes to when he's nervous, so I moved his hide there. Then I realized that slow movements and letting his tongue flick my hands a couple times allows me to pick him up, gave him a bath to help with his shedding tail. With lots of attention I can get him tamed in no time.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Man, seeing footage like this makes me sad Kodo was already about a year old when I got him. Tegu's are so adorable when they're wee like that.


New Member
Nicely done.

Eating already? Check.
Moved his hide to his preferred corner? Check.
Slow movements? Check.
Let him lick your hands before holding? Check.
Bath? Check.

Sounds like you are well on your way to good husbandry techniques already.

Something of note you may find helpful as a new baby owner:

Occasionally, as a treat and when they are small like this, I will mix (1) egg with some water, calcium and vitamin supplement. When they are comfortable with you, you can put all that egg mix in a small bowl on a table, hold your tegu in your hands and again, if he is comfortable with you, he will eat while you hold him.

I haven't tried this with any other food yet because eggs seem to be a favorite among many tegus.

It's like saying to them, "Ok here's your favorite, I know you want some and I am going to hold you and watch you eat...Are you ok with that?"

Although not good for a staple diet because of the known biotin problems that exist in fertilized eggs, when offered as a treat and moderation, seem to be just fine.

I've found this little trick works relatively well to gauge my trust level when I first get them.

Nice job and nice cage, I've seen a couple of your posts talking about the build - looks good enough for a small tegu.

m3s4 said:
Nicely done.

Eating already? Check.
Moved his hide to his preferred corner? Check.
Slow movements? Check.
Let him lick your hands before holding? Check.
Bath? Check.

Sounds like you are well on your way to good husbandry techniques already.

Something of note you may find helpful as a new baby owner:

Occasionally, as a treat and when they are small like this, I will mix (1) egg with some water, calcium and vitamin supplement. When they are comfortable with you, you can put all that egg mix in a small bowl on a table, hold your tegu in your hands and again, if he is comfortable with you, he will eat while you hold him.

I haven't tried this with any other food yet because eggs seem to be a favorite among many tegus.

It's like saying to them, "Ok here's your favorite, I know you want some and I am going to hold you and watch you eat...Are you ok with that?"

Although not good for a staple diet because of the known biotin problems that exist in fertilized eggs, when offered as a treat and moderation, seem to be just fine.

I've found this little trick works relatively well to gauge my trust level when I first get them.

Nice job and nice cage, I've seen a couple of your posts talking about the build - looks good enough for a small tegu.


A little bit ago I gave him some diced hard boiled eggs with calcium and vitamin supplements. He ate a lot, it seems to be his favorite food. http://postimage.org/image/qdcgbm33p/ http://postimage.org/image/fdxwt73pt/

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