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My parents agreed to let me have a Tegu, but...


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I dont think anyone have a prolem with grow up cages its just a bit more expensive...i started all my tegus out in a 55 gal rubbermaid tub....i think the main focus is depending on the enclosure size and how fast your tegu will grow...if you start of with a 20 gal then move to a 40 a few wks later then a 55 and so on(you get the idea) it can cost a pretty penny...you dont have to start off in an adult size enclosure but atleast have an enclosure the tegu can live in longer than 2-3 mos.

I dont think anyone have a prolem with grow up cages its just a bit more expensive...i started all my tegus out in a 55 gal rubbermaid tub....i think the main focus is depending on the enclosure size and how fast your tegu will grow...if you start of with a 20 gal then move to a 40 a few wks later then a 55 and so on(you get the idea) it can cost a pretty penny...you dont have to start off in an adult size enclosure but atleast have an enclosure the tegu can live in longer than 2-3 mos.


5 Year Member
james.w said:
I started mine in a 40 Breeder, he was in there for about 2 months. He is now in a 5x2x2, and once he needs bigger I have a 8x4.5x2.5 about 90% ready for him. I don't see anything wrong with using "grow-up" cages, but the next one needs to be ready for him when he needs it.

There's NOTHING wrong with using "grow-up" cages...IF you have them (like you do). However, MAKING cages as tegus grow (like some have suggested on here) is a really pointless idea.

Off-topic...did you get your gus yet?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member

There's NOTHING wrong with using "grow-up" cages...IF you have them (like you do). However, MAKING cages as tegus grow (like some have suggested on here) is a really pointless idea.



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