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Need advice on my BP eggs!!!


5 Year Member
Today I checked on Nigels eggs to give them air and see how they are. Two of them have pip slits and the other three don't. I took and enlarged the pip slits ( which were pretty good size already ) to have a look. There are good lookin' babies in both. I went ahead and made very small ( about 1/4" slits in the remaining three ).

So I have three questions.

1. Should I move the eggs into a bin with moist paper towels?

2. Was cutting a bad thing? ( I have read and seen tons of video on people doing it. )

3. Do I need to continue to keep them at 89 degrees in the paper towel bin once moved?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Man I am really stoked out! :grno


New Member
5 Year Member
i wouldn't have cut them, but thats me.... ur right tho a lot of people do it so you should be OK

& I'd leave them in the incubator until 24hrs after they fully emerge from the eggs them selfs

(this is just my 2 cents)


5 Year Member
Thanks for the info! I kinda have a bit of regret about cutting them. I have them in a homemade ice chest incubator. Will they be ok with the air and perlite in the tub once they come out? I was thinking once they come out I will put them into a tube with moist paper towels, hides and water. Put the tub back in the incubator with the lid slightly cracked for air flow and a few small holes in the tub sides. I will put them in separate tubs ( small shoe box size ). I feel like an over protective mother right now :lol: .

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