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Need advise


Hi there,

I have had my eyes on a tegu for several years now and I think in a few months I might get one. I do have a few questions.

Would anyone be willing to write out a weekly diet? I found many caresheets are not too specific on diet. For enclosure, I have a 40 gallon that could easily be used for a juvenile. Then, I was thinking of getting a 6'x2' and building a 8'x3'. Would this be advisable? The time frame would be a 40 gallon (already have it) for a year then the 6 footer for about 3 months after and finally, 8 footer for the rest of its life. I would eventually use the 6 footer for a different reptile. Another thought I had was making a partition in the 6 footer and depending on grow rate open up the enclosure for added space. Also, what bulbs have worked for you? Additionally, what reptile breeders have you dealt with that produce fantastic quality Tegus and put a strong effort into their care? If I do buy one at a show, what should I look for?

Thank you for your help!


Active Member
I dont really know if a 40 gallon will last a tegu a year I know some people have them at 3ft+ by that time. Id also recommend skipping the 6x2 even if you plan on using it for another reptile. I think it would probably be less stressful on you and the tegu to go straight to the 8x3. It is insanely frustrating trying to get a bigger cage when your animal has outgrown the old one.
Agreed. your gu will outgrow it in a matter of months. The way i see it, aquarium tanks should only be used as a makeshift home while building/buying a full size enclosure. And yes, the 6' enclosure is kind of unnecessary and even stressful on the tegu, you dont want to move it to 3 different enclosures.. My best advice as far as homing: Start to build your 8' enclosure now and have it ready to go.
Ive always used Zoo Med basking bulbs, and either a 150w or two 50w bulbs (depending on the time of year) all plugged into a rheostat control. And I get flat stepping stones from home depot for like $3 each as a basking platform.


5 Year Member
I can only agree with the above. Tegus grow @ an astonishing rate! My ♂ is just over 4' & is just a little over 1 year old! He did not brumate & showed no inclination to do so. Most likely he will take a nap this year but has shown no inclination to slow down @ this point.

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