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Need Help Baby Tegu


New Member
Hello I need help with my baby tegu. I received him at the White Plains Reptile Expo on Nov 2nd. He has only eaten some egg yolk since i have gotten him a month ago. He will not touch crickets, mealworms, pinkies,chicken,turkey, or chicken hearts. I dont know what to do to get him to eat. His tank has a 100 watt heat bulb over his basking spot which is a rock and a UVB bulb next to it. He has 2 hides one on the hot and one on the cold. He also has a water dish to soak in. I have a towel over most of his cage to keep the humidity in and I spray his tank multiple times a day. I thought he was going into hibernation but he will randomly come out on weekends to bask and im not sure when he comes out while im at school and work. He is very friendly and will walk right on my hand so i dont understand why there is an issue. Please respond thank you.


New Member
Tank setup


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5 Year Member
Im also a newer tegu owner so dont take everything i say as fact but tegus go into something called brumation where its like theyre hibernating but occasionally come up from their burrows or hides to take a drink, soak up some heat, or deficate. Since he/she hasnt eaten in a month id say thats probably the case. From what ive read you supposed to NOT feed your tegu when hes brumating since he doesnt spend most of his time warmed up he cant digest food therefore if he comes up to grab some sunshine and he eats some egg he might end up with rotting egg in his stomach. Like i said ive only owned my tegu for a few months so id get some other opinions too


New Member
Im also a newer tegu owner so dont take everything i say as fact but tegus go into something called brumation where its like theyre hibernating but occasionally come up from their burrows or hides to take a drink, soak up some heat, or deficate. Since he/she hasnt eaten in a month id say thats probably the case. From what ive read you supposed to NOT feed your tegu when hes brumating since he doesnt spend most of his time warmed up he cant digest food therefore if he comes up to grab some sunshine and he eats some egg he might end up with rotting egg in his stomach. Like i said ive only owned my tegu for a few months so id get some other opinions too
this makes me feel alot better ill stop the feeding and just let him go through the winter bfore i start trying to feed again

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