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Never coming up

Heather Nicklas

New Member
We recently got a baby red and at first he/she seemed to be doing really well. Coming out, basking, eating well. About 3-4 weeks ago we noticed that he disappeared. He had dug himself a hole in his 6' of substrate and closed the tunnel behind him. Now he keeps doing this. He is less than six months old and it is summer so he should not be brumating. We dig him out about once a week to try to get him to eat but he didn't eat this last time. I have thought about removing all but 1' of soil and adding a bunch of different hides for him. That way I'm not concerned about him crushing himself under the driftwood we have in there. I've had a beardie do that in the past. Any suggestions?

Heather Nicklas

New Member
Thanks for the replies! He did have a few places to hide, we had a bunch of driftwood stacked in there. But since I first posted I added six more hides of various sizes and materials in his enclosure. It took a few days but now I see him most mornings, sitting in his basking spot before he disappears again.

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