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New diet


New Member
For awhile I have been concerned with the way Bronson has been growing, I know that Colombians tend to grow slower, but he has been growing extra slow. I changed his UVB bulb and started feeding him wet cat food and he loves it!! The combination of the two seems to have worked and he is already growing much quicker! He now sheds every week opposed to every two weeks, making me a happy gu parent!

But I dont know if that will last for long? Is he just catching up or what? and will go back to a normal Every two week shed? I dont know, maybe he is just going through a growth spurt? Anybody got a clue?


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1,000+ Post Club
When Kodo was young and still on an insect-heavy diet, he consistently put on an inch a month. Growth is very contingent on diet. If your tegu is shedding more frequently, he is probably indeed having a growth spurt. I assume you are feeding him more than just cat food, right?


New Member
Yes, definitely, but at the moment just cat food. I was recently at a reptile expo and there was only one tegu there and it was a 3 month old arg. red and he was HUGE! I asked the lady who bred and raised him what he was eating and she said cat food.. so right now its just an experiment and he seems to love it. I also feed him eggs, chicken, turkey and beef(occasionally) and crickets but he didn't like any of the worms i brought him? The cat food comes in a variety of meats and I'm only using science diet. I also had another question. Is this the time of year for Colombians to be hibernating? cause he seems to go into a slumber for a couple days and then comes out to eat and soaks for awhile and then returns.

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