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New perk at work


Yonkers NY
anyone that knows a lil spanish would know my username is butcher in spanish. Im a butcher on the upper east side of manhattan and now that may just help me financially in feeding my tegu when he arrives. My store does buisness with a few meat companies for deliveries and stuff and im about to start buying ground turkey by the case at market price. We sell a pound package for 5.99 in the store and i can prob snag a 16 pound case for around 20 dollars so that is a BIG help. I really feel for those who cant do this though and was curious how does everybody else go about getting their meats for their Tegus and do you guys just go for the regular ground turkey or the extra lean ground breast? If anyone is around my area and is interested in buying by the case and save some money I can try my best to help, I can also order 10 pound bags of chicken gizzards and other cases of chick. backs and beef liver and stuff. Im in southern westchester so if anyone is interested let me know with a PM. Just trying to give a helping hand.


I live on long island dude . Lets do this . THough I usually go to the live animal market and get the gut buckets and the occasional dOR rabbit or chicken . You get me a good price on premium stuff we can work a thing out .


Yonkers NY
alright dude. I dont drive so maybe we can do something where you can meet me at my store its alot closer for you then having to come to Mount Vernon. I can get a box of Shady Brook ground turkey for 99 cents a pound.

If only my customers could see what the mark up is on the stuff they are buying


5 Year Member
I'm actually a little bit interested on any tips for people who can't do this. I live in Maryland and will be getting my tegu soon after it hatches, and anyway possible I could save on food would be a great help, so if anyone has any tips on how to get bulk like this for less let me know please.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Well, 16 pounds of meat for a hatchling will last quite a long time! I shop sales, buy in bulk, etc. I pay between $2 and $3 per pound, sometimes less. But I also feed necks, BOGO deals, bulk rodents and chicks. Because of my educational business, I think I can get cast offs from my local store. Looking into the paperwork for that.


Yonkers NY
laurarfl said:
Well, 16 pounds of meat for a hatchling will last quite a long time! I shop sales, buy in bulk, etc. I pay between $2 and $3 per pound, sometimes less. But I also feed necks, BOGO deals, bulk rodents and chicks. Because of my educational business, I think I can get cast offs from my local store. Looking into the paperwork for that.

well how much would a pound last for a hatchling? Figured itd be best to just buy in bulk and freeze it in portions? And can i start him with the mix i have in mind? (ground turkey mixed with various fruits, veggies, gizzards, liver etc.) or strictly meat until hes a yearling? I want to make one big batch and freeze it accordingly. Its a shame all the meat I have to throw away thats a day or two past the expiration date and definitly still edible because my bosses would rather see it in the garbage rather then have an employee or some one in need take it.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
That's a good deal and if you can freeze it, it's awesome. I didn't mean to come across snarky. I read that when I was falling asleep at the computer at 1am and thought, "Woah, that's a lot of meat, haha." To be honest, I've never had just one mouth to feed. But little hatchlings eat like a tablsepoon. However, they do grow quickly.

I would freeze it in half pound portions in the beginning. Your mix sounds great. Add calcium to every meal to compensate for the lack of bones and you are good to go. And if you can offer it to someone else at a cheap price, even better. I'd take you up on it if I were in NYC. :)

OH, and post photos of the little guy when he gets here!


Yonkers NY
laurarfl said:
That's a good deal and if you can freeze it, it's awesome. I didn't mean to come across snarky. I read that when I was falling asleep at the computer at 1am and thought, "Woah, that's a lot of meat, haha." To be honest, I've never had just one mouth to feed. But little hatchlings eat like a tablsepoon. However, they do grow quickly.

I would freeze it in half pound portions in the beginning. Your mix sounds great. Add calcium to every meal to compensate for the lack of bones and you are good to go. And if you can offer it to someone else at a cheap price, even better. I'd take you up on it if I were in NYC. :)

OH, and post photos of the little guy when he gets here!

i didnt think it was snarky this will be my first tegu so any advice from experienced owners is highly appreciated :D Def will be supplementing calcium but i also want to feed him pinkies every so often as well. Thanks for your help and dont worry as soon as I get him im gonna go Nat Geo photographer on him lol cant wait to have him!

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