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new tegu growth

evan k

5 Year Member
Hi,i want to ask you guys some queation.i have a tegu(b&w exactly).it is still very small,only 47 cm long.i have keep it for 10 months without any trouble i think.it is bigger compare to the first time i boufht it which she was only 38 or 40 cm or so long.i wonder why she is growing vert slow compare to others tegu or is it normal?becauae i think she is a female.i keep him outdoor and always let him roam at my yard for 3 hours for basking etc until she gets to hot and go hiding(i live in indonesia so the temperature is always 32 to 35 celcius degree).i fed him every day : she used to like carrots and banana but ni she refuse them since she tasted a mice.usually i fed him cricket about 10 to 20 crickets per day.sometimes fed him boiled egg mix with shrimp and cooked beef or chicken.is there something wrong that make my tegu grow slowly?or is it normal?thanks and sorry for my bad english..


Active Member
You're English is fine, I bet you are correct in that your tegu is female, so smaller generally than males, andmay also just be a little lizard. As long as she is healthy and eating I wouldn't worry.

evan k

5 Year Member
Ok..thanks a lot,but sometimes she only eat 5 or 7 cricket a day and refuse to eat.sometimes i got anxious that she got ill especially digestion disease.or are there any connection to the cage?i place him in 80 cm x 65 cm x 50 cm cage.but she spend most of her time outside except during the morning while she was sleeping or at the night.from your guys opinion,is it normal that she remain small until now?

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