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New tegu not really eating concerns


New Member
I know from having other reptiles, that being brought into a new home and stress could cause them not to eat very well for a couple of weeks. So I'm not overly concerned yet. But, I got my tegu on the 18th and it has barely eaten any thing. I first tried ground turkey and a strawberry. It picked out the strawberry and wouldn't touch the meat. Since then I have tried chicken, can dog good, liver and mice. It did eat a mouse one time, I feed frozen thawed, so it was warm and blow dried. But it wouldn't eat one today. It did eat an egg yolk but wont touch boiled eggs. It wont eat greens of any kind either. The one thing I did find it loves and will go crazy for is adult Dubia roaches. I try to put a pan of mixed things in the cage to see what it might pick out and what it will ignore. Unfortunately, it's not giving me much ideas for it's likes and dislikes. Could it be that my tegu was only fed live food since it likes to chase and eat the bugs and that's why it's not eating? Or do you guys think its just the settle in phase?

The set up is a 40 gallon breeder, hot spot one end, 4 inches of bark mix, water dish, hide and the humidity is good.

Any advice is greatly appreciated since I am new to the tegu world.



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How big is the tegu? What are the temps and humidity? What are you using to provide UVB?

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