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New Tegu questions


New Member
I just got my first tegu after years of waiting till I had the space. All this time I've been doing research and averything on the taming process, food, enclosure, etc. We decided to make his cage pretty big. It is 7' x 8' approximately and is 2' tall. Does that seem pretty good? He is in a smaller tank right now because he is only 8" from nose to vent. We lucked out and managed to find him Dante close to us so we kept visiting him and holding and playing with him until we just decided to go for it a few months ahead of schedule. As for taming, he is already pretty tame. Curling up with us, sleeping under the blanket with us. He will get spooked every now and then but its nothing bad. But my main question is the food. They were feeding him only crickets. So I bought a can of high quality chicken and giblet cat food and mixedit with dried vegetables that were reconstituted, dried grasshoppers, dried mealeorms, dried crickets, dry fruit, scrambled egg, and raw chicken breast. I will be switching from the cat food to ground raw turkey, fish, or chicken and adding organ meats in there but does that mixture sound good for now? He scarfed it right down outside his cage. I didn't have a problem getting him to switch. Oh and I added calcium and vitamin d3 supplements. I plan on adding d3 2x or 3x a week. Any advice is appreciated :)

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