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New to a tegu


New Member
Hey everybody my names Daryl I’m a new Tegu owner I have a few beardies that I’ve raised the past few years and decided I wanted to finally get a tegu any advice I need to know to start, I just got him home he walked already and explored for a few now burrowed I know that’s the time to leave him be he was Alittle wild when I got him ran around and refused to be touched wanna know how to start with the taming and getting him adjusted to me


Active Member
5 Year Member
Congrats on the new tegu my friend, I'm sure your super excited to see your tegu growth, temperament and personality. The only thing I can suggest is take it slow. When you first get em you almost want to force them to bond. But sometimes bonding is admiring from afar, let it get settled in first. i would give it a week. I have seen a lot of success with ripping up maybe a old shirt that you've just warn and putting it in the hide. Not the whole shirt of course but maybe just a piece. Tegu's are very inquisitive, play on that allow it to be curious about you. Once comfortable it might come up to you. Make sure you secure its body and support its tail. I used to take mine in the bathroom and just sit with it while it walked around (make sure there isn't any holes in your cabinets or anything) lastly respect its feelings, move slow, don't grab it over its head, if it fights you give it space. That's all I got hope it helps congrats again!

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