james.w said:What lizard experience do you have? Are you looking for a monitor or tegu? What size enclosure do you have room for? How old are you?
Bubblz Calhoun said:This is just wrong,.. over exaggerate a bit much? You haven't had "every lizard known to man". If you did you would know the answer to the questions you're asking and then some.
Why would you want a Large, Mean lizard? What happens when you get one,.. just to find out you've bitten off more than you can chew? The last thing the Reptile Industry needs is more bad press.
This is a huge RED Flag for me,.. you didn't say much but at the same time you said a lot. So do yourself, animals and the rest of us a favor Research and get some Hands on experience. Before you get Anything,.. and I'm not just talking about reading books or on the internet.
Try and find someone close to you that has one or some, that will let you work with them. So that you can see how they are up close a personal. Join a Herp Society, volunteer for a rescue or something.
Because these Large and Mean Lizards that you're looking for are not something to dabble in or play with. They require more work than most people realize.
Neeko said:I think theres a smaller tegu stay in the 3-3.5 range not sure on name saw it on http://www.siscoreptiles.com/available.php the blue. not sure of there reputation, ive sent them an email and its been a week and no reply. Dont want you dealing with bad people only good so approach always with caution. Is your friend who has all the monitors and tegus close to you? ask to take care of them for him for a week and learn what to do, his tips and tricks and knowledge are probably the best you can attain anything else the tegutalk community is here for you.
Bubblz Calhoun said:I'm not trying to be mean,.. it's just that too many people get into large lizards for the wrong reasons,. a couple of which you stated.
On the tegu scale Colombians, Goldens and Blues are commonly the smallest but there are some 4ft plus Blues out there. Colombians and Goldens have a bad rep for handling and getting them to calm down but they do come around. It just takes more time and they may or may not be as calm or easy to handle as larger tegus.
When you're lower on the food chain it sometimes helps to have a bit more attitude.
Bubblz Calhoun said:What part of Colorado? If you don't mind shipping a lot of places and breeders ship.