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Im torn when it comes to d3 i used it and saw nothing but great results, however i used uvb lamps and got my herps out in the sun regularly, i think to many people rely on the d3 alone to prevent complications like mbd and stunted growth, if you search through varnyards videos youtube he has a vid of a 2 y/o tegu whose owner used d3 and no uvb beware its a very sad video


New Member
Going minus d3, all advice points against it & all lights combined, he will get what he needs :) little bastard borrowed immediately after putting him into his newly completed 6x3x3 & I haven't seen him since! Think he's out for the count :(



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5 Year Member
Thats a great looking cage good job im sure hes lovin it...I will say though when I first built my first cage, 8x4x3, I used the same exact mesh screen on the doors and had trouble keeping the humidity where I wanted it and ended up switching to some plexi glass, so you might consider doing that if you cant keep it up in there. Its like $9 at home depot for a 4x2 sheet, and I just get two of them and cut them down to size. As far as the calcium goes, I use zoomeds repti calcium without D3 simply because 1. you dont need it with proper lighting 2. nobody knows how much d3 is the right amount and 3. too much is actually bad for the reptile, so in the end its pointless. Just dust regular calcium 2-3 times a week, or like me I dust all the meats I use besides the whole prey


New Member
Well, guess what our dog heard this morning!? Yup, someone is awake, but we're expecting him to go right back down. I threw some crix in, fresh water & turned his lamps on just in case. He's being pissy lol, but it's great to see him. Now I can put his basking rock in while he's up. It's so big & heavy, didn't wanna pin him under it if he was burrowed where I put it lol.


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I saw my red Monday morning she got up for some water it was a pleasant surprise considering she went down after 2 weeks and is only maybe 10" long. She's gonna be the smallest 6 month old ever when she wakes up lol


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I'd like some full meal examples that everyone uses, portions & prep included if you're willing. I'm definitely looking to do a variety. Any help would be great, thanx.
omgtaylorg said:
Thats a great looking cage good job im sure hes lovin it...I will say though when I first built my first cage, 8x4x3, I used the same exact mesh screen on the doors and had trouble keeping the humidity where I wanted it and ended up switching to some plexi glass, so you might consider doing that if you cant keep it up in there. Its like $9 at home depot for a 4x2 sheet, and I just get two of them and cut them down to size. As far as the calcium goes, I use zoomeds repti calcium without D3 simply because 1. you dont need it with proper lighting 2. nobody knows how much d3 is the right amount and 3. too much is actually bad for the reptile, so in the end its pointless. Just dust regular calcium 2-3 times a week, or like me I dust all the meats I use besides the whole prey

Humidity has stayed around 70%.


New Member
We give Odin ground turkey as a staple, with cod liver oil (tbsp/pound), multivitamins(tsp/pound), and calcium(tsp/pound) mixed right in. We make a big batch and then portion it out into little balls so we can just freeze it all and thaw out a ball daily. He also gets various fruits and other items daily with his turkey. There's an extensive food list in the best of tegutalk thread. Hope that helps a little :)

Also the turkey is lean w/ no preservatives or additives.


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5 Year Member
TeguBuzz said:
Good to know, but your gu is way past crickets!

Not true, my 44" tegu will still Chase crickets. It isn't much of a meal, but can still be used as long as they will eat them.


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5 Year Member
james.w said:
TeguBuzz said:
Good to know, but your gu is way past crickets!

Not true, my 44" tegu will still Chase crickets. It isn't much of a meal, but can still be used as long as they will eat them.

Ah alright, I was basing it off of personal experience, but I understand your point.


New Member
So she's been up for a couple days, offered a mouse b4 a nice warm bath, but wasn't interested. She's been wandering around all day today (in & out of the cage). I've offered some orange slices/pineapple but she isn't interested. I know that she won't starve but I'd love to see her eat something. I know her system is slow this time of year so I'm not worried but I wanna know if it would be alright to leave the bowl of fruit in her cage for a while. I'm against cage feeding but I want her to eat & can't leave her out for too long. She tries hiding under the couch lol...


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She's been lively for the past week so I've kept her temps up & she's stayed very active. I've been trying to offer food but she still shows no interest. Thoughts/concerns?

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