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Not eating, but still hyper


5 Year Member
For a couple weeks my tegu has been eating a little less that usual, and now for the past four days he hasn't wanted to eat at all. He's obviously feeling fine though because he's super hyper, rearranging his cage, and all of that like he usually is in the summer. In fact, lately it's almost like he's too ADHD to pay attention to his food for long enough to eat it all, lol. He'll eat a little and then want to walk off and then the food might eventually get his attention again and then he wants to continue exploring the house. I don't remember him not eating last summer, but could it be some sort of seasonal thing? I would think that he'd be eating more with his level of activity. he's shedding now, but that's never affected his appetite before. Since he started eating less he's getting a little loose skin around the middle.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
How often are you feeding him when he does eat? My 1 yr old recently started refusing food if I offered it every day. He's pretty much let me know he doesn't need to be fed every day anymore, hes now fed every other day.
My 2 - 2 year olds are eating every day and can become sort of crabby if I attempt to feed them every other.

How is your set up? Lights? Heat? Cool end?

Does he still poop? If hes not eating it wouldn't be as large or as frequent but he could still pass urates.


5 Year Member
I offer him food every day to every other day. He has a basking spot that stays between 100-110, and the cool side is in the mid 70s.

Oh, and he has a megaray mvb plus another lamp for heating. And, yes, he still passes urates.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I wouldn't worry too much if the activity is normal. The temps sound right. Is the base of the tail still a decent size? As long as there aren't any red flags (clogged vent, visible deformities, drainage or puss from any openings) I wouldn't be too worried. I don't think tegus will starve themselves. If it gets hungry enough it will eat.

Have you tried feeding him in other areas? Maybe a bath tub or somewhere where there could be less distraction?

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