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not getting a blue like i expected..


New Member
my step dad had a fit and decided we're getting rid of all our animals, so the blue tegu i've been saving for for months, im now not allowed to get.
thank you everyone who bought hats and stuff to help out, i really appreciate it.


New Member
it does :( im extremely disappointed. only two more years and i'll move out and wont have to ask permission for my animals:)


New Member
I'm sorry. Maybe he'll change his mind later on as long as you promise to have only one pet.
I wasn't ever allowed to have anything other than a dog, fish, or hamster. My childhood lacked herps altogether.
I got my first turtle when I was 21.... my ex husband gave it away because he's a prick. Then at 24 I got a chameleon for my husband (last December), and have been going ever since.
When we were living in a rental house last year, we only had the chameleon and two crested Geckos. We bough this house in may and have gotten 20 more reptiles ever since.


New Member
babyyitslove said:
I'm sorry. Maybe he'll change his mind later on as long as you promise to have only one pet.
I wasn't ever allowed to have anything other than a dog, fish, or hamster. My childhood lacked herps altogether.
I got my first turtle when I was 21.... my ex husband gave it away because he's a prick. Then at 24 I got a chameleon for my husband (last December), and have been going ever since.
When we were living in a rental house last year, we only had the chameleon and two crested Geckos. We bough this house in may and have gotten 20 more reptiles ever since.

i LOVE reptiles, and i take care of all my animals and raise money for my animals all by myself. i plan on going to college for herpetology. my mom is fine with them, she likes them as well (all except Obi she's scared of him lol) but what he says goes -____- mostly because he pays the bills. so i'll have to wait on my dream reptile :p i still have my iguana, i'll just spoil him to death for now haha.
20 reptiles? wow thats so many, im super jealous!!1


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
I'm so sorry to hear that. I know I would be devastated if forced to give up my animals, so my heart goes out to you and your pets. When I get a place of my own, I'm going to have a designated reptile room.


New Member
Well girl, I have a husband that's just as into them as I am. Without him I would be overwhelmed. Even though e wont admit it, he's a little chicken **** with some of them and makes me handle the meanies.

Our columbian doesn't like him... but only because his approach is quick and powerful...whereas mine is slow and gentle.

Catch more bees with honey =0)

On a side note, we were mounting lights in the argentine's cage today...she came out of her hole. ..he went to pet her and she flicked her tongue. ... he jumped and jerked his hand back! ROFL! I almost died of laughter! I'm smiling just typing this.... haha!


New Member
BillieJeAn said:
my step dad had a fit and decided we're getting rid of all our animals, so the blue tegu i've been saving for for months, im now not allowed to get.
thank you everyone who bought hats and stuff to help out, i really appreciate it.
I've been banned too. Seahawkchick says no more. Lol! 21 pets and counting down. Got yelled at for spending $350 on a extreme. Oh well. She will fall in love. You need your own place. Critters cost me almost $400 a month just for food.


New Member
when i get my own place i plan on having a reptile room, im pretty disappointed and in trouble for arguing :/
oh well though, i WILL have one eventually

Lindsey, that made me laugh. too funny xD

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