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Nurological problems from Hypothermia


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I got a real scare yesturday from Bosco. I was checking on my Caiman Lizard yesturday morning and noticed that his enclosure was really cold. He was sluggish but seemed alert. I checked all the eletrics and everything was working. It was then I noticed that the dog water bowl was frozen! This is inside my house. The house fernce have gone out on the coldest night this year.

I imediatly went to check on Bosco and was not greeted with a nice sight. The prob to the thermostat had frozen, so none of the heating elements had kicked on overnight in his cage. There was ice on his water and the bark was cold to the touch. I found Bosco in his hide box, him curled up and biting on his tail. I honestly thought he was dead and broke down. I held him for a bit and realized that he was still alive, I don't know how but something told me he was gone yet. Sure enough I tapped on his eye and got a very sluggish response. I wrapped him up in blankets and put some hot water bottles up along side him. The water heater is the only thing really working so I drew a warmish bath, careful not to heat him up to quickly. After 20mins he started to responed, his eyes opened, the started to breath much better and was able to hold his own head up. I felt alot better when we become response enough to start licking the air and curling up with me and the dogs on the bed.

We I knew I couldn't keep them at the house any long and drove to my moms place just two hours away. (Did I ever tell you I have the best mom in the world!). I set up Bacardi in a temp cage and took Bosco by the vet. The vet did not want to do too much until he had warmed up a bit and settled in. So now Bosco is at my moms place, I know he is in good hands and I gave my mom some tips on what to look out for.

Here is my question. When I put him in the temp cage, its really small and i feel terrible, he was very disoriented. Now he is not the most aglie animals but even for him he seemed clumsy. This happend last year when I moved when he was hibernating, he was groggy and stumbly and went back to sleep. By spring he was fine. I am just worried that the cold might have done some serious damage. I am planning to take him in again early next week, but not being able to check on him personally everyday has me worried.

I did get lucky that he pulled through the cold and I did not lose anyone. I had just picked up and extream from TeguJake, she was up in the bed room for quarintine and did fine.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Glad to hear everyone pulled through and Bosco's coming around. It's not anything I've had experience with so this is just speculation. But I think they can deal better with hypothermia as opposed to hyperthermia since they are use to being able to slow down for hibernation when it gets cold. His system hasn't completely recovered yet so I would expect him to be a little off for a bit.

:) You did the right thing by not panicking in the situation and trying to warm him up too quickly.


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I just remembered as a vet tech seeing pugs being rushed in by owners in the summer. They would go for a run realize their dog is overheating and then dunk them in ice water. The dog would go into shock and not much we could do. So i figured heating up to quickly would not be a good thing.

My mom said this morning we was up and active and was digging alright last night. Still keeping a close eye on him.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Well that sure is one hell of a scare pal. Keep us posted and I hope he keeps getting better.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I had that happen with a Colombian. We were moving and I put her in the garage one night. The temps dipped down and the next day she was off balance and really out of it. But in two days or so, she was back to normal. That was about 4 yrs ago and she has been fine ever since. Wish you guys the best!


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Well I think I owe my mom a nice bottle of wine or maybe a case. So my mom is the greatest and let me keep Bosco down at her place. Well last night I asked her to keep his light on, just to make sure if he wanted he could get warm again. Well at 11pm my mom checked on him and said he was very responsive. Her cocker spaniel (Kilian) was watching over him, he gets fixaded on cages.

At 2am my mom was woken up to Kilian sqeaking in pain, so she ran into my old room looking for her dog and tripped over Bosco. He had gotten out and found his way to the door way. She picked him up and put him back in the cage. Most parents that would have been enough, she called me at work just now to ask if she should feed him, becuase he looks hungery. She was willing to buy him mice or what ever he wants to make him feel better. Needless to say I need to find like a super amazing christmas gift for her.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
chelvis said:
Well I think I owe my mom a nice bottle of wine or maybe a case. So my mom is the greatest and let me keep Bosco down at her place. Well last night I asked her to keep his light on, just to make sure if he wanted he could get warm again. Well at 11pm my mom checked on him and said he was very responsive. Her cocker spaniel (Kilian) was watching over him, he gets fixaded on cages.

At 2am my mom was woken up to Kilian sqeaking in pain, so she ran into my old room looking for her dog and tripped over Bosco. He had gotten out and found his way to the door way. She picked him up and put him back in the cage. Most parents that would have been enough, she called me at work just now to ask if she should feed him, becuase he looks hungery. She was willing to buy him mice or what ever he wants to make him feel better. Needless to say I need to find like a super amazing christmas gift for her.

Sounds like you got yourself a dream mom, the perfect mom, haha. My mom could care less about my reptiles back in the day!


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So its been almost a week and Bosco has been at my moms house for the who time. He looks great! Drinking like a champ, is all colored up and trying to escape from the tiny cage he is currently in. I had him out today becuase he is awake and it was walking and running fine.

Now that I am sure he is going to make a fast recovery I have to think about what to do for the rest of the winter. Looks like its going to be a long time before me and Bosco get to live in the same house again :(


New Member
My little Soku went missing for a couple of weeks, over a year ago. We found him on the freezing cold basement floor on one of the coldest days of the year. He was very neurologically impaired. I am happy to say he is very healthy and very nearly 100 percent. This is a video of day 3 of his ordeal.


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