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Our Red Tegu

Non Crimen

This is Owen he is a 7 month old Red Tegu. We are he/she's 2nd owners. His first owner put him in a 70gal tank as a baby (which made him feel as if he would be eaten), as a result he didn't eat and in turn didn't grow. He is doing much better now but is still easily startled but that is getting better. He still Huffs and Puffs when I go to pet him but it is only when I first start to pet him as before it was whenever I was near him. Does anyone know what it means when the Huff and Puff? He doesn't hiss and Owen has never bit me.:D Also does anyone have any tips on taming He/She? Everyday I put Owen into a bin with a plate to eat but he doesn't eat more than half a grape which concerns me. He eats crickets like a monster! After he eats I put him in the bathroom with me and let him crawl around but he just goes in the corner and falls asleep..... He doesn't exactly like it when i pick him up, he just wiggles around alot. Here are some pictures,






Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Huffing is a sign of annoyance. Not as aggressive as an open-mouted hiss, but still not a 100% happy tegu. The huffing should diminish as Owen gets used to being handled, however, although he may still do it if he's in a situation he doesn't like. The fact that he stops shortly after the petting starts indicates he's growing accustomed to you. As for the food issue, keep offering different things to figure out what Owen likes; the tegu food list on this site is a great resource.

Non Crimen

Thanks for the reply. This is Nick's dad. This forum is great. Owen is doing fantastic and hopefully his new home will be finished by this weekend.

PS: Nick is now Non Crimen Jr.


5 Year Member
Wow, what a beautiful Tegu :) . There are different reasons why Tegus huff. In this case is to tell you to back off ( he is scared ). In another case is when it's breeding time or they smell something on you ( food or another animal ). I used my shirt trick ( link below ) from day one on all of our six ( now five ) Tegus. They are all very tame. The shirt trick helps because he gets to hide between the shirts ( that will make him feel save ). He will be warm ( from your body heat ) and he gets to smell you. I did this trick as soon as they woke up ( one by one ) because they were still cold. Then I let them eat. When they got used to the shirt trick I did it when ever I wanted to ( like watching TV or taking a nap ).
If you want to you can try some fresh fish filets like Salmon, Cod, Catfish, Tuna. Cut it up and put it in a glass of warm tap water to warm it up for a few minutes. Then put the Calcium and Vitamine powder on it. They usually like to eat fish or hard boiled eggs ( they both smell lol ).

Shirt trick:


If you have him this close to your face ( like in the link below ) please make sure you have a piece of the shirt between you and the Tegu in case he smells something on you and wants to bite you ( I have been there lol ). Like in the video I felt like he might bite me in a minute but he didn't. You never know with them :) .


This is a video after using the shirt trick for a while.


And this is how they turn out after being spoiled with the shirt trick lol.


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