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Outdoor Pen


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
I'm thinking about getting Kodo a pen so I can take him outside now the weather is getting warm and sunny. He's figured out how to escape the dog pen I was using. I took a look on the Zoo Med site, and I found a few products which might work well. Which of the following three items would you guys recommend: the Reptibreeze Iguanarium, the Tortoise Play Pen, or the Tortoise House?


New Member
So are you trying to leave him unsupervised outside?

If not, why not just start sitting with him outside - he's a pretty big boy now, he's to the point he should be able to just hang out with you and chill.


I have found the best outside type enclosures to be chicken coops. You just have to reinforce the bottom with rubberized 1/4 or 1/2 inch mesh


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
I would NEVER leave him unsupervised outside; I don't let him roam unsupervised inside. I'd be worried about one of my local red-tailed hawks making a meal out of him. Kodo doesn't like to sit still, and when I take him out in the backyard my dogs follow because they want to play ball. Ever try to play fetch with two dachshunds while holding a squirming, three-foot lizard at the same time. The pen is just so I can put him down and he'll A) be safe from predators and B) unable to escape. This isn't meant to be a full-size, permanent-type enclosure. I just want something I can take outside with me, put Kodo in it, and have him be safe and able to bask in natural sunlight.


New Member
dragonmetalhead said:
I would NEVER leave him unsupervised outside; I don't let him roam unsupervised inside. I'd be worried about one of my local red-tailed hawks making a meal out of him. Kodo doesn't like to sit still, and when I take him out in the backyard my dogs follow because they want to play ball. Ever try to play fetch with two dachshunds while holding a squirming, three-foot lizard at the same time. The pen is just so I can put him down and he'll A) be safe from predators and B) unable to escape. This isn't meant to be a full-size, permanent-type enclosure. I just want something I can take outside with me, put Kodo in it, and have him be safe and able to bask in natural sunlight.

Roger that. I didn't think you'd let him roam around unsupervised because that would be foolish. However, I wasn't sure what your intent was with an outdoor type of enclosure.

There's plenty of good outsiders that can be used to keep your colombian safe and yet still be where the action is.

Hopefully you can eventually get to a point where you don't need one at all - be it inside your house or at a park someplace where there aren't any hawks.

I use portable hides - you've seen them, for transporting and for socializing mine when they're young. They can see out all sides and they're large enough for a big tegu yet small enough to feel "cozy" to them. On top of that, they fold up nicely for storage.

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