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passed cyprus mulch wood chips


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They do eat stones/rocks to aid in digestion. My recommendation would be plain old dirt. And up the fiber intake in the diet.


5 Year Member
This has me worried. I had my gu on sand and soil and the soil on top of the sand got really hard. I haven't seen him poop in about 3 days and im worried. He has been too skittish to take out of his enclosure to feed but I tong feed him and have watched him eat. Im gonna try and soak him but he flips out and runs if i even open the cage so im not sure if I should stress him out or wait a little longer

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5 Year Member
Re: RE: passed cyprus mulch wood chips

Pyr0kinesis said:
you sure you're just not overlooking it diablo?

I thought that. I mean he does get a little thin the next day so maybe i was. I still changed to eco earth but it was still a little wet when i put it in so im leaving his basking bulb on over night so itll dry out and he can have a warm place to be and hide. I put a shirt on the warm side too that he can curl up in if he wants

Sent from my DROID RAZR


james.w said:
They do eat stones/rocks to aid in digestion. My recommendation would be plain old dirt. And up the fiber intake in the diet.

Agreed with James. Dirt is fantastic. It's cheap, and passes through digestion no problem. I've tried to filter out any rocks that I find in my dirt. I miss some, and Sigourney eventually will find them and eat them, but she always seems to pass them. Plus, I always have some sort of fiber in her meals - Mustard Greens, Fruit, Hair, or otherwise.

Eco Earth. Isn't that made from coconut husk? I've heard that if eaten in large enough quantities, it can be dangerous. The coconut husk expands in a moist environment, like a Tegu's digestive system. This turns what might normally pass easily, if it were plain dirt, into a possible obstruction.


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Orion said:
Paul, I just think they are like sharks and other animals that eat things no matter what they taste like and if it doesnt kill them they keep doing it. My big male Bob always seems to want to eat rocks bigger than his head that he finds in the yard....he weighs 20 pounds and I feed him daily. My female Tiny she eats everything, if I dont get to the dog poo in the yard quick enough she does. My other female Yoshi eats nothing but whats on her plate or mice fed by tongs.

My friend's Lab died on the weekend from eating pine cones; the vet said his stomach was full of them. They weren't even chewed, he swallowed them whole. Unbelievable, a perfectly healthy family pet that was well fed and taken care of.

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