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So I'm feed my buddy a pinke tonight he is a hatchling still from this past moths extreme giants is this to much for him to handle right now and how much light heat will he need after he eats it
I feed pinkies once to twice a week, depends on how many my baby ext. eats. the first time I fed them to him he ate 2, the second time I fed them, he ate 4 and would have eaten more. I have my lights on 9a-9pm. not by any means an expert but thats how I feed mine. Thats all I feed him on pinkie days, the rest of the week is turkey and crickets (bobby's turkey mix and dusted crickets).
I just fed mine new extreme hatchling 2 pinkies and she swallowed them like a champ lol I'm gonna post before and after pics of her, when I got her 2 weeks ago she could fit places in the reptile room that she can't fit now lol
A couple hours should be fine. I usually feed them a few hours after the lights come on, if possible, that way they have all day to be lazy and bask. You can give him 2 if he'll take it. Pinkies don't have a ton of nutritional value compared to fuzzies, hopers, etc. They have a higher water content. When Guru was a baby it wasn't uncommon for him to eat 4 pinkies in a sitting (at about 12in).